Britney Spears e Rihanna – S&M (remix)

Simplesmente a música mais sexy dos últimos tempos. My favorite!

feels so good being bad
there’s no way i’m turning back
now the pain is my pleasure
cause nothing could measure

love is great, love is fine
out the box, out of line
the affliction of the feeling
leaves me wanting more

cause i may be bad but i’m perfectly good at it
sex in the air
i don’t care
i love the smell of it
sticks and stones may break my bones
but chains and whips excite me

just one night full of sin
feel the pain on your skin
tough, i don’t scream mercy
it’s your time to hurt me
if i’m bad tie me down
shut me up, gag and bound me
cos the pain is my pleasure
nothing comes better

oh, i love the feeling
you bring to me
oh, you turn me on
it’s exactly what
i’ve been yearning for
give it to me strong

and meet me in my boudoir
with my body suit on, on, on

i like it, like it

Mais infos sobre a versão original da música S&M aqui.


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